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Home - The Team

The Team

Smart people for smart polymers: a team that believes in innovation.

Being flexible means giving a unique shape to our customers' ideas.

Yes, we are a company formed by young, dynamic and determined individuals with all the experience and specific skills that allow us to invest in the very best technologies for moulding high-quality and out of the ordinary plastics. We work by utilising the skills and creativity of everyone for the success of the team and we focus on achieving excellence, as seen by the close collaboration with the industrial designer Fabio Caresi.

Giuseppe Miserendino Powerplast

Giuseppe Miserendino


Franca Miserendino Powerplast

Franca Tedeschi

Co-Founder Administration

Pietro Miserendino Powerplast

Pietro Miserendino

Co-Founder CEO

Giulia Miserendino Powerplast

Giulia Miserendino

Purchase & Administration Manager

Fabio Caresi Powerplast

Fabio Caresi

Design Consultant

Ylenia Minafra Powerplast

Ylenia Minafra

Sales Marketing Manager

Guerino Martire Powerplast

Guerino Martire

Head Of Production

Catalina Paparus Powerplast

Catalina Paparus

Head Of Product Quality

Elena powerplast

Elena Guerini

Back Office

Vittorio powerplast

Vittorio Franzoi

Shift Leader

Paolo powerplast

Paolo Fusè

Shift Leader

Antonio powerplast

Antonio Mazzeo

Tooling Manager

Simone powerplast

Simone Moro

Tooling Assistant

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