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It’s Fanplastic! Fantastic: not just an adjective but a genuine goal, that of creating incredible plastic objects.

We specialise in the innovative processing of plastics.

Powerplast Italia was established in 2010 and immediately entered the market with an informed and innovative approach, founded on searching for the best high-performance polymers. We are a company specialised in plastic moulding, but also something else: we want to be seen as a partner, a lever that elevates the customer’s ideas and contributes to the creation of a unique project.

Purpose, project, product: Powerplast Italia‘s embodies the essence of our work with smart polymers. We think about the project with the customer, analysing their requests, weighing up their needs, carrying out research, developing the concept, proceeding with the engineering and investing in new technologies to create functional, high-quality and beautiful products.
Each phase is managed in-house and this allows us to constantly monitor the quality of the polymer transformation processes.

Progress and innovation can only be deemed such if they are conceived from a sustainable perspective, to protect the environment. Powerplast Italia uses state-of-the-art equipment and machinery that optimise production and reduce the environmental impact, so as to ensure reduced energy consumption. Furthermore, we are one of the very first European companies to offer the possibility of using compostable and biodegradable biopolymers in the injection moulding process.




Powerplast Italia S.r.l. is established and the first production systems are installed and immediately go into operation.


Powerplast Italia acquires a company manufacturing liquid color pastes for plastics.


Research and study into "Bio" materials begins: Powerplast Italia is one of the first companies to use sustainable materials such as Mater-Bi.


The company moves to its current headquarters in Trezzano sul Naviglio (MI), tripling the surface area available and making room for 3 new production systems. The in-house Design Lab is also set up in the new spaces.


A year of investment and success: Powerplast Italia buys the first 3D printer with SLA technology, exceeds € 1 million in turnover and achieves the first direct sales abroad.


The company obtains the patent for industrial invention no.0001429151 relating to the production system for the enrichment of products with scented essential oils: Powerplast Italia has invented an innovative process for scent infused plastic. The same year a bi-injection system is installed.


The headquarters is expanded to make room for the new technical and design office and the 3 new production systems.


The new 3D printer with FDM and UV technology arrives in the company.


The sales office in Poland opens.


Powerplast Italia turns 10 and celebrates the goals achieved with a new logo and a new website.











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