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Patents and certifications

Patented scented plastic technology and Gr.E.T.A. certification: our view of innovation

We have patented an innovative production process that increases the duration of scent infused plastic: Powerplast Italia is a world exclusive.

Committing to obtaining a patent means investing time, resources and technologies in the finding a solution that truly makes a difference. Thanks to the patent for the scent infused plastic, we can proudly say that our results are the best on the market: we have actually managed to create a scent infusing process of polymers that does not require processing after the moulding phase, thus increasing the duration of the product’s fragrance. The percentage of perfume in Powerplast Italia is the highest and the duration reaches 50% more than that of competitors. Powerplast Italia is the first company to have conceived and patented this innovative plastic scenting process in 2014 for the enrichment of plastic products with essential oils.

Not only a flair for innovation but also care for the environment. Our responsible attitude towards nature has resulted in the conception of the Gr.E.T.A. product and in obtaining the relative certification. Gr.E.T.A. stands for Green Ethical Technology Awareness: in Powerplast Italia the certified production of a new formulation of highly sustainable material derived from the processing of sugar cane has begun.


Metodo di produzione M.O.C.A

Per realizzare a norma di legge prodotti destinati al settore alimentare, eseguiamo l’apposita analisi MOCA (Materiali e Oggetti a Contatto con gli Alimenti).

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